A reality check that hits harder than Graeme Hossack in the PLL - it might be time to give those trusty cleats a well-deserved retirement party. Those cleats you bought five years ago - ol’ reliable - now resemble something that could be mistaken for shoes from the 1950’s with more holes than swiss cheese, a grip so nonexistent you might as well be wearing just socks, and a scent that could revive a NYC subway rat. Not to mention, who wants to get hurt and spend their season on the bench?

Let’s talk about traction - or lack thereof. Picture this: you’re clearing the ball yourself down the field, locked in, not another player in sight. Next thing you know you’re over the restraining line, finding yourself doing the cha cha slide because the studs on the bottom of your cleats are on the verge of becoming imaginary. Invest in some cleats with some serious grip and your ankles with thank you.


New Balance Burn X4 lacrosse cleatsNew Balance Burn X4 lacrosse cleats


Speaking of ankles, let’s not forget about support. Lacrosse is based on cuts, directional turns and inevitable collisions. It is crucial to have cleats that provide ample ankle support to prevent any unexpected trips to the sidelines, or worse, the doctor. No one wants to be known as the player who got their ankles broken…. Literally or figuratively.

New gear just FEELS good! There is something undeniably satisfying about slipping your feet into a brand new pair of cleats. While your old cleats might have served you faithfully through thick and (really) thin, it is time to treat yourself to that pair you’ve been eyeing- your feet deserve it. With Lacrosse Unlimited, you can now even customize your cleat with your number, so….gone are the days or boring cleats. 

It’s time to face the facts-your cleats have seen better days. Investing in a new pair of cleats means giving your feet the support they deserve, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring you can continue dominating the field for seasons to come. Trust us, your feet will thank you, and so will anyone within a ten-foot radius of your locker.